QTLtree Home page

Download the software here. This file contains example files and scripts to generate simulated data for use with QTLtree.

wget  http://math.nist.gov/tnt/tnt_126.zip
unzip -d tnt tnt_126.zip   # unzips into directory tnt

The software program QTLtree is available to download. Note that this program is still in testing and that the usual caveats apply. The program is not particularly user friendly and a limited manual for QTLtree is in the file QTLtreeManual.pdf

Unix Systems

Software is C++ source code in the form of zipped tar files. Download source (below). Use
gunzip -zxf QTLtree.tar.gz, change to the program directory QTLtree/src and type make to compile the program.


Note that the Gnu Scientific Library (gsl) is required for the compilation of QTLtree. This is available here and binaries are available for the major linux distributions and cygwin/mingw32.


This software needs the Template Numerical Toolkit (TNT) for C++ to compile. download this library and unzip into the src directory. This library is a collection of headers and requires no further installation. Commands to do this are included below, if you have wget.

This program was designed to work with data that is in the same format as the GAW 17 data. Requests can be made here. It will work with these data directly.

My program sima, can be used to simulate data to work with QTLtree. A python file, is included in the distribution which can be used to execute this program and generate data in the correct format.